Common Errors

In a failed request of any type, you will receive an error code. These are divided into two categories and are explained in the tables below:

Merchant Common Errors

Error Code Error Name Description
1001 Invalid Token Token does not correspond to a POLi ID. This may be due to the token being incorrect, or containing encoded characters
1003 Invalid merchant code The merchant code you have stipulated in your initiate transaction request is incorrect
1004 Inactive merchant The merchant code specified in the request corresponds to a merchant that is inactive
1005 Merchant not authenticated Please check you have put the correct authentication code in for your merchant code. If you are certain you have, please contact POLi Help desk
1011/14053 Merchant per transaction limit exceeded The payment amount in the specified currency has exceeded the merchant’s per transaction limit for that currency
1012/14054 Merchant daily transaction limit exceeded The payment amount in the specified currency has exceeded the merchant’s daily transaction limit for that currency
1025/14058 Invalid Specified Amount Transaction cannot be initiated under than $1.00
1014 Invalid URL format in Initiate Transaction The format of the specified URL is invalid. Please check the URL fields in your initiate transaction data and ensure they are correct
1022 Mandatory field is missing A mandatory field in the initiate transaction request is missing
1024 Invalid currency format The amount format is incorrect. Please ensure that the amount specified is no greater than 2 decimal places
3007 Invalid transaction status A back-end exception has caused the transaction to fail. This can be caused by a response timeout or an exception due to corrupted or invalid data
4032 Unhandled exception Data expected by POLi has not been returned by the financial institution. This may be due to an unexpected or changed bank page, or a system timeout
4033 Unhandled HttpRequestException Invalid or missing response from the financial institution. This may indicate network connection issues with the end user or bank, or the bank is experiencing downtime
4034 JavaScript execution failed Data expected by POLi has not been returned by the financial institution. This may be due to an unexpected or changed bank page, or the bank is experiencing downtime
11002 Problem delivering nudge to merchant The Nudge Notification URL may be publicly inaccessible, misconfigured, or the destination is down or taking too long to respond
14104 POLi Link has expired Your POLi Link has expired or the POLi Link has an expiry date set in the past
14151 POLi Link has been fully paid This POLi Link has been fully paid

Bank/End User Common Errors

Error Code Error Name Description
4001 Unknown error (related to bank or merchant) POLi is unable to continue due to a technical problem with the bank or the merchants POLi account. You may like to retry, if the error persists please contact the merchant you are paying
4005 Unexpected bank page POLi has encountered an unexpected bank page. This may be due to a new or changed bank page. Our support team has been advised of the error and will address this error as soon as possible
4040 Blacklisted Payer account The payers bank account is blacklisted in the POLi system
4051 Payer Internet Banking locked Your Internet banking service is locked. Please contact your bank for further details
4052 Third-party payments not supported from payers bank account Your bank account may need to have pay anyone functionality or a security measure enabled. Please contact your bank for further details
4054 Multiple sessions detected Multiple Internet banking sessions detected. Please log out of your Internet banking sessions, cancel this payment and retry your payment
4055 No valid accounts None of your accounts are supported by the POLi service. Typically, you need a personal bank account that can make pay anyone payments to use the service. Please contact your bank for further assistance
4056 Bank unavailable The selected bank is currently unavailable; Please try again later
4057 Multiple signatories are not supported POLi is unable to support accounts that require separate authorization by multiple signatories; Please retry your POLi payment using a different account or personal Internet banking profile
4058 Bank account daily transaction limit has been exceeded This transaction will exceed the daily payment limit on your bank account. Please contact your bank to increase your limit
4059 Bank Session Error Your bank session has ended due to a bank error or session timeout. Please retry your payment
4060 Bank account second factor security locked/suspended Second Factor Authentication has been entered incorrectly, is unavailable or has been suspended. Please contact your bank for further assistance
4061 Bank second factor security issue Second Factor Authentication may need to be setup on your bank account or is currently unavailable. Please contact your bank for further assistance
6010 Users browser/system unsupported The payers browser/system is most likely old and incompatible. The user would need to retry the payment on an alternate device